Google ads could be better targeted… that's right… AdSense can sometimes put up some very lame ads. Today it was a great example of this — great traffic yet the number of clicks was basically next to zero — at the time of this writing I had “Page Impressions = 11,656” and number of “Clicks = 15” — that's only 0.13 of the people actually clicked on an ad!

I decided to analyze what is going on, and I noticed that while the ads on the main page and weblog are OK (they are mobility related and consistent, per the topic I tend to cover), the ads on the individual weblog entries pages are crap! I can see why people won't click on them — the “targeted” ads are for crappy stuff such as “My Own Journal”, or “Start your weblog now”, or “Association Web Design” — all crap!!! Who cares about that? I certainly don't.  I would expect better ads in exchange for the large chunks of screen real
state I am providing Google… What are my options here? I've emailed Google about this already — let's see how they'll respond.
