In the article C# set to take Java’s crown as Java drops 50 percent, Matt Asay of C/Net writes that C# is taking over Java. He bases his argument on book sales (source O’Reilly Media).
Do you think book sales are a good representation for such a claim? It certainly is a good measure for technology interest and potentially adoption… But isn’t it a stretch to make such as claim based on book sales?
Also, inherent on that claim is that Microsoft as a platform is taking over other platforms — but we know that Linux is playing a huge role in today’s businesses IT, both large, and definitely on startups across the world. At eZee inc. we are all about open systems, so you can guess what we use for our IT infrastructure.
My take is that programming languages and techniques, from Java to Web, are just mature at this point. And that many developers just hit Google to find the tutorials, articles and specifications, and to learn about the latest of things. Maybe I am speaking about myself here, but I think I am a good representation of how things are.
In any case, I believe traditional book publishing is a dying business (see DIY Book Publishing – Changing the Landscape of Book Publishing), and that traditional book publishers must re-invent themselves, and fast.