This is most beautiful HD Time-Lapse Video of the Northern Lights that I have ever seen. Amazing work by Ole C. Salomonsen. Watch in full-screen! “As solar storms reach a maximum in 2012-2013, the northern lights are more beautiful than ever. Ole C.…
The SimpleOrderedHashtable tech-tip has been updated; see Tech-Tip: A Simple Ordered Hashtable ( I also updated the Simple URL encoder tech-tip and moved the code to Gist; see Tech-Tip: Simple URL Encoder. I am moving all my code examples to Gist — an…
Source: Project Glass G+ page Back in January of 2010, Mobilist Rudy de Waele asked a number of us to predict the Mobile Trends for the decade of 2010-2020. The result of this was a great compendium of views on things to come…
All, a reminder that today March 12, 2012, we are having 2 Mobile Monday Austin events: 1) At noon, we will be hosting a lunch/networking event for SXSWers to meet Austin mobile companies. This is at the Alcatel-Lucent trend lounge (room 406 at…
So we are a week or so away from SXSW Interactive 2012. I am super excited, as always. And per tradition, the Mobile Monday Austin board (Carlo Longino, David Gill, Michael Yuan, Mario OCampo, Bart Bohn, and yours truly, C. Enrique Ortiz) are…
February 6 is now officially Awesome Day in Austin, Texas. The Mayor of the City of Austin, Mayor Lee Leffingwell, just proclaimed February 6 as “Awesome Day” in honor of the launch of the Austin chapter (@atxawesome) of the Awesome Foundation. As one…
I started teaching Beginning Android at the Austin Community College. This is a beginners-to-med level class on Android programming and is the first time me teaching this class. Here are my (twelve) students! ceo
New year and new challenges. I started helping Chaotic Moon Studios, one of the top mobile services companies in Austin today. After 10+ years in the mobile software space I can say that while the space is still relatively young in many ways…
Wishing you a wonderful time with your family and friends and community. Happy Holidays — Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy New Year, Prospero Año Nuevo… I wish for a strong 2012 for you and your family — one full of new opportunities, prosperity…
Android in Action, 3rd edition, which I co-authored together with Frank Ableson, Robi Sen and Chris King, is out! You can order it online (see Amazon), or visit your favorite bookstore. Order one, order two, order three copies! Give a copy to your…