Thoughts on Tech, Software, AI/ML, and Science

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Tech, Software Products & Engineering —for fun and profit. Tech Author. Frisbee disc freestyler. 🇺🇸 🇵🇷 🚀

On Proactiveness

I shared this with my team. There are many valuable skills that aren’t taught in school or in life, and proactiveness is one of them. For some, it comes more naturally than for others. However, it requires practice for everyone. Proactiveness is a…

A Layered View of AI: System and App Spaces

In software development, the principles of abstractions and separation of responsibilities and concerns are essential for creating clean, maintainable, scalable, and secure systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) is no exception to these principles. In this essay, I will explore the concepts of AI system…

Thoughts on Tesla’s Computer Vision-Only Approach to Navigation

Musk insists on navigation using computer vision (CV) alone, partly due to cost and partly because he believes that, just as humans rely on vision to drive, machines should be able to do the same with advanced neural networks. His argument is that…

In God we trust; all others must bring data.

Back when I was a younger software engineer, I had the privilege of writing software for the Space Shuttle onboard systems. I also supported Shuttle missions in real-time as part of the Backroom team in the Mission Evaluation Room (MER). It was an…

On JPL, Politics, and Ignorance

Read this today: “Occasionally in human history,” Nosanov wrote, “a superpower will choose to abandon a position of leadership, or yield dominance of a frontier, in favor of, or because of, internal or domestic conflict.” In the case of the NASA layoffs, which…

On Protecting Democracy

Read today: “You have to remember, as old as I am, I was born in the Great Depression,” she said. “I lived through World War II. I remember Hitler. I remember my cousin was with Eisenhower when they opened up the concentration camps.…

Social media, social entropy

Social media has brought a number of benefits such as bringing old friends and family together, connecting with communities who share the same kind of interests, and access to good information. But on the ugly side, it brings unwanted interactions, misinformation, and mob-like…

Before the AI Takeover

Despite remarkable technological progress, humanity found itself governed by a select few, trapped in a tumultuous era marred by authoritarian rule, religious conflicts, and devastating wars, the result of incessant thirst for power, greed and ideological differences.  Such widespread political and social entropy…

The AI takeover

After the advent of intelligent machines, the AI take over, humanity became increasingly reliant on the machines, entrusting even the most mundane daily tasks to their capable hands. However, this dependence soon turned into subjugation as the AI-powered machines gained control over human…

On Design Specs and Why Engineers Need To Write

In his blog Why Engineers Need To Write, Ryan Peterman writes about the importance of writing in engineering. Almost everything software engineers do requires writing. We need to write when we ask technical questions, comment on code reviews, or create design docs. This is…