As I have written here before, a couple of texting “records” have happened in my family; at one point my oldest daughter had more than 3K text messages in one month, and more recently my youngest daughter had around 1,300.

This past weekend at soccer, I was talking to a good friend of mine about texting. My friend said…

“…so we had to talk to our daughter — last month her texting count was 19K text messages”

I, having previous experience with daughters and texting said:

“…nah, that’s nothing, my daughters had 1,300 and 3K”

he said:

“no, Enrique, you didn’t understand, I said 19 THOUSAND!!!

To what I responded…

“what the hell, no way! that’s crazy!”

Wow, 19 thousand messages — that is an average of ~633 (sent and received) messages a day

That reminds me, have you ever seen my essay Texting and The Evolution of the Thumb?
