Dreams. Memories. Imagination. Lies. Truth.
These are the Shades of Reality.

Dreams are Reality.
Dreams are Lies.
Dreams are Fantasies,
where we can fly.

Dreams are created by our own minds,
a simulation of events that helps us survive.

Memories are Realities,
in their own right.
That helps us relive
the best and worst of our lives.

But invented Memories are just lies,
that we must avoid as we journey through life.

Imagination is Creation.
Creativity at its best.
Parallel Realities or Experimentation.

Imagination are like Dreams.
Daydreams of Imagination.

The darkest of Realities,
are the Realities of Lies.
Darkest in Shade,
nothing good comes out – Lies.

But True Reality is Actuality.
True Reality is One.
Not like Dreams.
Not like Memories.
Not like Imagination.
And not like Lies.

Life is a Dream.
Life is a Memory.
Life is Creation through Imagination.
Life is a Lie.
Life is Reality.

Shades of Reality is Life.

— Carlos Enrique Ortiz | June 1, 2013