In God we trust; all others must bring data...

Monthly Archives: February 2008

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

MobileMonday Austin, March 10, 2008, Mobile Web, iPhone, Mobile Search with Special Guests James Pearce, Brian Fling and Chris Moisan

Mark your calendars… Next MobileMonday Austin session is going to be an awesome one; I’m very excited. We are having special guests from out of town, James Pearce, VP of Technology at dotMobi, and Brian Fling, Director of Strategy at BlueFlavor both great…

Technology Review: The 10 Emerging Technologies of 2008 (and Offline Web Applications)

TR writes their 10 Emerging Technologies of 2008. One of them is Offline Web Applications. Kevin Lynch (chief software architect at Adobe Systems) believes that computing applications will become more powerful when they take advantage of both the browser and the desktop. While…

Texting and its effect on the evolution of the thumb

For my friend Sean O’Sullivan, CTO at Rococo Software, here is an old piece I wrote back in 2006, on texting and its effect on the evolution of the thumb… ceo

Barbara on “Java ME is dead. Long live Java ME.” (and indirectly on the future of mobile apps.)

Barbara writes “Java ME is dead. Long live Java ME.“, about how the word out there is about mobile web, but what her customers are ordering are Java mobile applications… Why local applications? Barbara explains it well on her blog post. Indirectly, this…

Former contractor sues Google for $25m

A former contractor sues Google for $25m, claiming Google stole his idea for Google Sky. The contractor claims that he got the idea and wrote about it in an internal Google Groups email discussion group back in 2006. I am sure Google is…

Social Graph vs. Social Network

I recently read the current definition of Social Graph at Wikipedia, and how it compares to the definition of a Social Network: A social graph consists of who an individual is connected to based on the type of connections, such as work, friendship,…

eZee at JavaOne — Michael Yuan, senior developer at eZee inc to present at JavaOne 2008

I am proud to have Michael Yuan, senior developer and mobility expert at eZee, inc., present at JavaOne 2008: Austin, TX.–(WIRE) February 7, 2008 – eZee, inc. the Interactive Mobile Marketing Platform company is proud to announce its senior Java developer, Dr. Michael…

Rush is coming to Austin

Rush has extended their Snakes and Arrows World Tour to 2008, and they are playing in Austin on April 23rd! Awesome!!! (it has been almost 13 years since I saw them live). …and even better, I just got tickets! Rush is a must…

Cisco defines ‘mobility’ — too narrowly

Cisco’s CEO John Chambers defines ‘mobility’ at Mobile World Congress 2008. Their definition is way to narrow, and it reveals their true nature (still), which is “an equipment manufacturer”: “Most people talk about mobility in terms of a device,” he told analysts and…

Numobiq raises $4.5MM — Congrats to Mark Young and his team

I want to congratulate my friend Mark Young, and his team, who recently raised $4.5 Million Investment from Benchmark Capital on their 1st round of funding. His company, Numobiq Inc. has been pretty much stealth for a while, are going after the mobile…