…I was in Houston enjoying The Police live in concert. And what a great concert it was; the original band and great performance. It was a full house — sold out. The Police Tour 2007-2008. Photo taken by CEO on June 29 2007…
I've been tagged by Zach of SymbianInMotion… Thanks Zack! Since I've been tagged before, I am going to point back to that previous post “five things about me”. But let me add a new item (update) to that list, which is that I've…
Photo source: BBC article The man who invented the cash machine The Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is 40 years old. Invented by John Shepherd-Baron (OBE recipient) of Scotland, and first deployed at a branch of Barclays in Enfield, north London, the ATM changed…
…busy, but it was a good week… Completed another drop for one of my clients, Edioma — I created for them a very cool micro-learning application that is entering BETA, that allows people to learn and translate between languages using their mobile handset.…
Yes we are… but don't take my word for it… Sumit Agarwal, a product manager in Google’s mobile division, also believes so… See Mobile Web 2.0 May Be Too Ambitious, Let’s Call It Mobile 0.5 ceo
The 78th weekly Carnival of the Mobilists at Symbian-Guru.com. As usual, great essays from Mobilists from all around the world… check it out. Thanks to Tim for including my entry. Let me take the opportunity of reminding everyone about the call for Mobilists…
Some of the best resources for mobile developers are the developer resources provided by handset manufacturers and network providers. One of these developer resources is Vodafone Betavine, a website run by Vodafone's R&D group with the goal of encouraging collaboration in the area…
Click to see video (Fox Chicago) “I put the kids down, put the baby monitor on and saw two people floating in space.” Happy Father's Day! ceo [Via The Raw Feed, Wired Maganize, and Fox Chicago]
A very nice introduction video by Jonathan Green on Jaiku… Jaiku gets it and they have done an excellent job on (the more advanced) Nokia handsets, and with their platform. There are not many (successful) vendors on this mobile social space. But we…
Sun Microsystems surface computing, the Starfire (1994 concept): >> See Sun Microsystems' Starfire concept video (complete with drama, heh) Surface computing today, Microsoft: >> See Microsoft's Surface video (Popular Mechanics) ceo